Successful community service programs depend on a network of good people who can spread the word about your mission and help you raise funds. We asked professional fundraising expert Emily Croak to give you the best advice on how to encourage others to get involved in your community service program. Croak is a Senior Advisor with Aly Sterling Philanthropy.
How can our partners encourage others in their communities to support their fundraising program? What are the steps to achieving this?
People have to know about the problem and your solution before they can act – and you have to provide them with a way to act! Communication is key, and it requires that you make the case for support in a way that people can relate to. Your members should be on the same page and humming the same tune. And the tune should include some key info:
First of all, ask those in your community to support your solution to the problem. Don’t ask them to support “my program.” People want to be part of something that makes their communities better places.
Outline the problem, show how it impacts your community, share how your organization is uniquely positioned to address the issue. Ask your supporters for input and assistance – maybe even advice! Those who give input are most invested in the cause. Show them how you will improve the lives of the children and families in your communities.
Finally, ask them for a donation and make it easy to give. It is a good idea to have an online giving page.
What are the challenges of social distancing for fundraising, and what ideas can you give partners to overcome these challenges?
Fundraising has typically been an in-person game – so this pandemic is forcing us to rethink how we approach our relationships. And that’s ok. Now that you can’t get together in person, use technology and be creative! Call your supporters to check on them, and ask what they’re missing most right now. How would they like to stay connected? Host virtual events that are easy and fun – there are lots of examples online.
Use video and social media to show everyone what you’re up to… there are many cost-effective ways to use technology to your advantage.
The Operation Warm Partner Portal provides our partners with a complete toolkit that makes fundraising easy. Sign up as a Community Hero for access.